The Xebra API is for creating your Xebra invoices using JSON Payload. The API makes it easy to create web and desktop applications that integrate with your account. Possible uses for it include automatically creating invoices when users sign up on your website.
The column on the right-hand side has a curl call that demonstrates the required Headers and general format of requests to the Xebra API. Requests are authenticated using Auth tokens which you receive in exchange for a code we issue after a logged-in user performs an authorization grant request.
There are two required headers for most calls:
Create an account by visiting our sign up page. If you already have a Xebra account, log in by visiting our login page. You can reach out to our support team to have your account put on our partner plan.
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d `{ "username": "[email protected]", "password": "Lotus@123", }` "" Response: 1. Success {‘Status’:’Success’,” 'message'”:”Authenticated Successfully”, 'bus_id':’2’, 'reg_id':’2’, 'auth_token':’X678Fder45’} 2. Failed {‘Status’:’Failed’,”Message”:”Something went wrong”,”error”:”error name”}
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d {'reg_id':’1’, 'bus_id' :’1’, 'gst_id' :’9’, 'inv_document_type' :"Sales Invoice", 'cust_id':’3’, 'inv_invoice_date' :”2021-4-12”, 'inv_nature_type' :”onetime, 'inv_export_type' : “0”, 'inv_dollar_number':’1’, 'inv_inr_value':”1”, 'inv_export_currency' : “47”, 'inv_gst_id' : “14”, 'inv_place_of_supply' :“27”, 'inv_billing_country' : “101”, 'inv_billing_state' : “27”, 'inv_billing_address' : “501,building, D.N road ,Mumbai”, 'inv_po_no' : “1111”, 'inv_po_date' :”2021-4-12”, 'inv_discount_total:”0”, 'inv_taxable_total':”1000”, 'inv_igst_total'”:0”, 'inv_cgst_total':”90”, 'inv_sgst_total':”90”, 'inv_grant_total':”1180”, ‘inv_item’:{ [0]:{ 'service_id' : ‘1’, 'invl_particulars' :“computer”, 'invl_hsn_sac_no' : “1111”, 'invl_quantity' : “1” 'invl_rate' : “1000”, 'invl_discount' : “0”, 'invl_taxable_amt':“1000”, 'invl_igst':”0”, 'invl_igst_amt':”0”, 'invl_sgst':”9”, 'invl_sgst_amt':”90”, 'invl_cgst':”9”, 'invl_cgst_amt”:”90”, 'invl_amount':”1180”, 'invl_service_type':1, } } }` "" Response: 1. Success {‘Status’:’Success’,”Message”:”Invoice Created Successfully”} 2. Failed {‘Status’:’Failed’,”Message”:”Something went wrong”,”error”:”error name”}
url = " " headers = { 'Authorization':'Content-Type': 'application/json' } payload = { "username": "[email protected]", "password": "Lotus@123", } res = requests.put(url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers) Response: 1. Success {‘Status’:’Success’,” 'message'”:”Authenticated Successfully”, 'bus_id':’2’, 'reg_id':’2’, 'auth_token':’X678Fder45’} 2. Failed {‘Status’:’Failed’,”Message”:”Something went wrong”,”error”:”error name”}
url = " " headers = { 'Authorization':'Content-Type': 'application/json' } payload = { 'reg_id':’1’, 'bus_id' :’1’, 'gst_id' :’9’, 'inv_document_type' :"Sales Invoice", 'cust_id':’3’, 'inv_invoice_date' :”2021-4-12”, 'inv_nature_type' :”onetime, 'inv_export_type' : “0”, 'inv_dollar_number':’1’, 'inv_inr_value':”1”, 'inv_export_currency' : “47”, 'inv_gst_id' : “14”, 'inv_place_of_supply' :“27”, 'inv_billing_country' : “101”, 'inv_billing_state' : “27”, 'inv_billing_address' : “501,building, D.N road ,Mumbai”, 'inv_po_no' : “1111”, 'inv_po_date' :”2021-4-12”, 'inv_discount_total:”0”, 'inv_taxable_total':”1000”, 'inv_igst_total'”:0”, 'inv_cgst_total':”90”, 'inv_sgst_total':”90”, 'inv_grant_total':”1180”, ‘inv_item’:{ [0]:{ 'service_id' : ‘1’, 'invl_particulars' :“computer”, 'invl_hsn_sac_no' : “1111”, 'invl_quantity' : “1” 'invl_rate' : “1000”, 'invl_discount' : “0”, 'invl_taxable_amt':“1000”, 'invl_igst':”0”, 'invl_igst_amt':”0”, 'invl_sgst':”9”, 'invl_sgst_amt':”90”, 'invl_cgst':”9”, 'invl_cgst_amt”:”90”, 'invl_amount':”1180”, 'invl_service_type':1, } } } res = requests.put(url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers) Response: 1. Success {‘Status’:’Success’,”Message”:”Invoice Created Successfully”} 2. Failed {‘Status’:’Failed’,”Message”:”Something went wrong”,”error”:”error name”}
$url = " " $data = array( "username"=> "[email protected]", } "password"=>"Lotus@123", ); $ch= curl_init($url); $payload = json_encode($data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payload); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Content-Type: application/json')); $output = curl_exec($ch); Response: 1. Success {‘Status’:’Success’,” 'message'”:”Authenticated Successfully”, 'bus_id':’2’, 'reg_id':’2’, 'auth_token':’X678Fder45’} 2. Failed {‘Status’:’Failed’,”Message”:”Something went wrong”,”error”:”error name”}
$url = " " $data = array( 'reg_id'=>’1’, 'bus_id' =>’1’, 'gst_id' =>’9’, 'inv_document_type' =>"Sales Invoice", 'cust_id'=>’3’, 'inv_invoice_date' =>”2021-4-12”, 'inv_nature_type' =>”onetime, 'inv_export_type' => “0”, 'inv_dollar_number'=>’1’, 'inv_inr_value'=>”1”, 'inv_export_currency' => “47”, 'inv_gst_id' => “14”, 'inv_place_of_supply' =>“27”, 'inv_billing_country' =>“101”, 'inv_billing_state' =>“27”, 'inv_billing_address' => “501,building, D.N road ,Mumbai”, 'inv_po_no' =>“1111”, 'inv_po_date' =>”2021-4-12”, 'inv_discount_total=>”0”, 'inv_taxable_total'=>”1000”, 'inv_igst_total'=>”0”, 'inv_cgst_total'=>”90”, 'inv_sgst_total'=>”90”, 'inv_grant_total'=>”1180”, ‘inv_item’:array( [0]=>array( 'service_id' => ‘1’, 'invl_particulars' =>“computer”, 'invl_hsn_sac_no' => “1111”, 'invl_quantity' => “1” 'invl_rate' => “1000”, 'invl_discount' => “0”, 'invl_taxable_amt'=>“1000”, 'invl_igst'=>”0”, 'invl_igst_amt'=>”0”, 'invl_sgst'=>”9”, 'invl_sgst_amt'=>”90”, 'invl_cgst'=>”9”, 'invl_cgst_amt”=>”90”, 'invl_amount'=>”1180”, 'invl_service_type'=>1, ) ) ); $ch= curl_init($url); $payload = json_encode($data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payload); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Content-Type: application/json')); $output = curl_exec($ch); Response: 1. Success {‘Status’:’Success’,”Message”:”Invoice Created Successfully”} 2. Failed {‘Status’:’Failed’,”Message”:”Something went wrong”,”error”:”error name”}